Object: ..... M27 (Dumbbell-Nebula) narrow band false colour
Date: ..... 09.10.2009
Mount: ..... Vixen Sphinx SXD on HAL130
Optics: ..... Meade SN6, 150mm f5 Schmidt-Newton Telescope
Filters: ..... Astronomik 12nm Ha/OIII CCD
Camera: ..... Sigma 402, prime focus
Chip temperature: .... -10°C (regulated)
Exposure: ..... Ha: 18x240s, OIII: 11x240s (with ScPro Camera Control)
Binning: always 1x1
Processing: ..... Stacking (Lights, Darks, Bias), Median Filter, Deconvolution, Histogram adjustment, LRGB Synthesis, (L/R/G/B=Ha/Ha/OIII/OIII), all with Astroart 4.0
Guiding: ..... Autoguiding with Bresser Skylux 70/700, Meade DSI Pro and GPUSB/PHD
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