Object: ..... M81 (right) and M82 (left) Spiral Galaxies
Date: ..... 21.03.2010
Mount: ..... Losmandy G11 on Berlebach Uni-4c
Optics: ..... Vixen R200SS, 200mm f4 Newtonian Telescope with Baader MPCC
Camera: ..... Sigma3200
Filters: ..... IDAS LPS-P2
Chip temperature: .... -20°C (regulated)
Exposure: ..... 17 x240s
Binning: 1x1
Processing: ..... Stacking (Lights, Darks, Flats, Bias), Noise Reduction, Histogram adjustement, gradient removal, all with Astroart 4.0 an IP 3.8
Guiding: ..... Autoguiding with SW 70/500, Meade DSI Pro and GPUSB/PHD
Comments: good seeing and good transparency
264 KB1044651